
Health and Safety Testimonial

Lumberjack Logging

Client name
Erika Herries

A little about what you do
Harvest Commercial Forests

Client Insights

“Before you started working with Health & Safety Tailored For You what was your biggest reservation, scepticism or objection about working with us/investing in H&S services?”

It’s hard to find someone who can engage with our workforce in a knowledgeable way and get participation from them. They know right away if the person talking to them understands and knows their job. So the biggest test is always whether our workers accept the person talking to them about what they do. They can spot a fraud from a mile away!

“What had you go ahead despite your reservations?”

Brad was working with other crews in the region, that’s always a good testimonial. After talking with him, we felt he was a better fit than our previous provider because of his greater knowledge and understanding around what we do.

“What is one specific benefit you have taken away from working with Health & Safety Tailored For You?”

More engagement from our crew. I can also contact Brad at any time to discuss something and he is always ready to help in whatever way he can.

“What impact will the work we have done together on your business have in the next 12 months?”

Continuing the improvements. We are an always changing industry, new learnings and new ways are part of what we do.

“What would you say to someone right now who was on the fence about working with us?

Just talk to Brad about what you want, and he will tell you what you need!

“Speaking from the heart, is there anything you would like to say or add to anyone reading this right now?”

Brad has become a personal friend to us since he has been our advisor. He never beats around the bush, so you can get right to the core of what you need for your business. Brad also is regularly upskilling, so you know he’s bringing the best information to the table.